!!!!!NEW UPDATE!!!!!
= aMiGA hiSTORY & iNFO =
The Big Book of Amiga Hardware http://www.amiga-hardware.com
Amiga History Guide http://Amiga.emugaming.com/everyamiga.html
History of the AMIGA http://www.heartbone.com/comphist/AmigaHistory.htm
Kickstart and Workbench v1.1 Picture http://exotica.fix.no/nostalgia/system1.1.html
= gAMES =
The database of amiga games http://hol.abime.net
Lemon Amiga - Games, Community & Nostalgia! http://www.lemonamiga.com/games/
Legacy Amiga Games DataBase http://cyberpingui.free.fr/oldies/miga.php
C.A.P.S. - The Classic Amiga Preservation Society http://www.caps-project.org
Every Amiga Game Ever Released http://eager.back2roots.org
ExoticA : Amiga Game Gallery http://exotica.fix.no/gallery/games/index.html
Amiga - GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/amiga/
Total Chaos AGA - The world's best strategy board game (Лучшая в мире пошаговая стратегияwink.gif http://Amiga-Mania.sytes.net/Jogos/Chao … Chaos.html http://xavprods.free.fr/chaos/index.html http://xavnet.chez.tiscali.fr/chaos/index.html http://amigamania.topcities.com/Jogos/C … Chaos.html
Total Chaos AGA (самая последняя версия) - http://aminet.net/game/misc/TotalChaosAGA.lha http://www.aminet.net/game/misc/TotalChaosAGA.lha http://us.aminet.net/game/misc/TotalChaosAGA.lha http://main.aminet.net/game/misc/TotalChaosAGA.lha
Total Chaos AGA (readme!) - http://aminet.net/game/misc/TotalChaosAGA.readme http://www.aminet.net/game/misc/TotalChaosAGA.readme http://us.aminet.net/game/misc/TotalChaosAGA.readme http://main.aminet.net/game/misc/TotalChaosAGA.readme
Total Chaos AGA Screenshot of Dungeon Wars - http://aminet.net/pix/misc/TotalChaosS1.jpg http://main.aminet.net/pix/misc/TotalChaosS1.jpg
Total Chaos AGA Screenshot of Exploration mode - http://aminet.net/pix/misc/TotalChaosS2.jpg http://main.aminet.net/pix/misc/TotalChaosS2.jpg
Amiga Reviews http://www.classicgaming.com/amigareviews/home.htm
Marc's 3D Amiga Games Collection http://magc.caps-project.org
AmiNet Game Archive http://www.aminet.net/tree.php?path=game
= sCENE =
Amiga Demoscene FAQ !!!!! What are demos? Что такое 'демо'? Множество полезной информации и ссылок. Ваш путеводитель в мир демосцены http://www.amigascne.org/altsysamigademosfaq.html
Amiga Demoscene FAQ news:alt.sys.amiga.demos
aMiGaScNe Worldwide http://www.aMiGaScNe.org
AmigaScene.net http://AmigaScene.net
AmigaScne File Archive http://ftp.amigascne.org
AmigaScne File Archive ftp://ftp.amigascne.org
"THE HACKER DEMO SCENE AND IT'S CULTURAL ARTIFACTS" http://www.aMiGaScNe.org/thdsaica.html
The Amiga Demo Scene Encyclopedia http://exotica.fix.no/info/demoinfo/index.html
The Scenery http://exotica.fix.no/info/scenery/scenery.html
The Swiss Scene ftp://ftp.chscene.ch/demos/amiga/
AmiNet Demoscene Archive http://www.aminet.net/tree.php?path=demo
PowerLink BBS - Emulation & Nostalgia, more than 1 million files online http://www.powerlink.no http://powerlink.no/files/Amiga/
The Brief History of the Demoscene (Печатная книга) http://www.freax.hu
Back to the Roots - Amiga Culture Directory Project http://www.back2roots.org
ExoticA : Amiga music, games and information http://exotica.fix.no
The Legacy Amiga Demos http://cyberpingui.free.fr http://cyberpingui.free.fr/theend/index.htm
English Amiga Board - http://eab.abime.net
English Amiga Board - FAQ http://eab.abime.net/faq.php
English Amiga Board - Amiga Scene Forum http://eab.abime.net/archive/index.php/f-2.html
English Amiga Board - Retrogaming General Discussion http://eab.abime.net/archive/index.php/f-17.html
English Amiga Board - Nostalgia & memories http://eab.abime.net/archive/index.php/f-18.html
pouлt.net - your online demoscene resource http://pouet.net
Orange Juice - The demoscene information center http://www.ojuice.org http://www.ojuice.net http://light.ojuice.net
Scene News Network http://snn.vantage.ch/low/index.php?layout=1
Amiga University - DemoScene links http://www.amigau.com/demoscene.htm
AmigaScene History http://exotica.fix.no/info/scenery/index.html
Your gate to the demo scene in the world wide web http://www.diskmag.de
Jurassic Pack - The Lost Amiga Scene Diskmag http://jurassicpack.de
Newsflash Diskmags! http://exotica.fix.no/nostalgia/newsflash.html
AM/FM Diskmags http://exotica.fix.no/nostalgia/amfm.html
The Crypt Amiga magazine http://www.thecryptmag.com
Flash-ремейки старых amiga cracktros - Cracktro to Flashtro http://www.flashtro.com
World Of Cracktros http://cracktros.planet-d.net
DHTML Demos http://dhtmldemos.planet-d.net
Tristar Red Sector Inc., TRSI http://www.trsi.de
Tristar Startseite http://trs-1988.de
Tristar - Out of the Shadows - Forum http://www.trs-1988.de/web_trs/trs-secu … tar-board/
Pink/Abyss homepage http://amigascne.org/abyss/pink/
Digital/Magnetic Fields Official Website http://www.dtl.cx
Skarla http://www.multimania.com/skarlamiga/
State of the Art http://stateoftheart.fr.st
amidemos.org - Amiga demo videos (.avi) http://www.amidemos.org
Spoonwizard Amiga demo videos (.avi) http://www.spoonwizard.com
amiga.bbs.fi - Latest releases http://amiga.bbs.fi
Telnet Boards (BBS) 'Uphold The Law' bbs - Connect to Port23 for the best free (no credits needed!!) demoscene BBS there is. Stuff for Amiga, Atari, C64, GBC, GBA, Mac, Speccy, PSX, PS2, Ascii, Java, Mac, Dreamcast, N64 and more.. telnet://utl.scarab.tv
= mUSIC =
tOtAl KaOs bbS - 1000's of MODs ( sOUNDTRACKER mODULES ) , SIDs & mORE! http://www.totalKaos.de mirror http://totalkaos.n4cer.de
Amiga Music Collection http://amigamusic.tripod.com
Legacy Amiga Modules http://cyberpingui.free.fr/realoldies2.htm
the world's biggest chiptune archive - http://www.chiptune.de
The biggest chiptunes collection (The smaller ... the better.) http://chiptunes.org
chiptune http://www.chiptune.com/?menu=amiga
Mods - Music modules http://www.aminet.net/tree.php?path=mods
chiptune - Mods without samples http://www.aminet.net/search.php?path=mods/chip
modulez.org - your modscene portal http://metamacro.com/modulez/
Amiga Music Preservation (AMP) http://www.psi5.com/~silva/afilter/#xfr
Amiga 500 Music Collection http://amigamusic.tripod.com
Hacked Amiga Music http://amp.dascene.net
Modland http://tfx.dk/ham/
Real Music http://anders.fix.no/rm/
Dreamland http://exotica.fix.no/websites/dreamland
UADE http://uade.ton.tut.fi
Chiptune Central http://uuhome.de/msconex
PlayMod http://colargol.tihlde.org/playmod/
Mindkiller Systems http://www.mindkiller.com
EaglePlayer Official Homepage http://www.eagleplayer.de
Musicline Official Website http://www.musicline.org
AmiNet Music Archive http://www.aminet.net/tree.php?path=mods
DeliPlayer Homepage (мультиформатный плейер для проигрывания всех экзотических муз. форматов Amiga, Atari, C64, zx, pc, adlib, mod, s3m, st, it, xm, ym, и еще ~230 различных форматов) http://www.deliplayer.com http://www.delitracker.com
Mellow D at Nectarine with Potion - Demoscene Radio http://www.scenemusic.net
= nEWS =
Amiga.Org http://www.amiga.org
AmigaWorld.net http://amigaworld.net
Amiga-News.De http://www.amiga-news.de
Амига по-польски http://www.amiga.com.pl
AmigART http://www.amigart.com
Amiga Realm http://www.amigarealm.com
AmiBench http://www.amibench.org
Czech Amiga.News http://amiga.czex.com
Made on Amiga http://www.MadeOnAmiga.com
Moo Bunny - Amiga Board http://www.flyingmice.com/squid/moobunny/amiga/
= lINKS =
Amiga Link Directory http://www.amiga-news.de/cgi-bin/anwd-db.pl
The Amiga Web Directory http://www.cucug.org/amiga.html
Amiga Source http://www.amigasource.com
Amiga University http://www.amigau.com
Made On Amiga http://www.gonmad.demon.co.uk/moa/
Misc Amiga links http://netmation.biz/www/i040491d.htm
AmiHoo http://www.amihoo.com
= wAREZ =
The AmiNet - Aminet File Archive (самый большой архив в сети!) http://www.aminet.net
= mISC =
The Extreme Amiga 600 Upgrading Page http://www.amiga600.de
The Official Eric Schwartz Web Page http://www.coax.net/people/erics/
Amiga Classic Animation (Eric W. Schwartz, Jim Sachs, Karl Bihlmeier, Leo L. Schwab, Tobias Richter, etc) http://www.randelshofer.ch/animations/i … ginal.html
= rUS =
Амига по-русски http://www.amiga.org.ru
Амига Сегодня http://amitoday.spb.ru
Электронный Амижный журнал PowerAmiga http://poweramiga.com.ru
Электронный Амижный журнал Догма http://www.dogma.org.ua
Team AmiRUS http://www.amirus.org.ru
Amiga Warez News http://awn.narod.ru/newsru.html
Подборка ссылок по Амиге http://www.acme.hut.ru/acru/news.shtml
Подборка информации о amiga http://search.li.ru/cgi-bin/search_stat … uery=amiga
Немного истории из Amiga#1 http://amitrans.narod.ru/content/Press/AMIGA-1.html
Книга на русском языке - Amiga Machine Language
Книга "Амига: программирование на ассемблере". В полном обьеме (size 145Kb) http://hcodes.narod.ru/AmigaMachineLanguageRu.zip
Amiga. С чего всё началось? http://www.3dnews.ru/editorial/amiga
Культ Амиги (журнал Хакер, апрель 2005 г. номер #76, так же интересная статья была в #1) http://www.megalib.com/books/893/078/1.htm
Игры для Commodore 64, Amiga и Spectrum снова выпускаются http://www.3dnews.ru/software-news/?mod … p;id=14147 http://www.3dnews.ru/software-news/2005-07-01-20/
Ссылки на эмуляторы Amiga для винды и Мака можно найти на многих сайтах, например http://www.lemonamiga.com/index.php?genre=1 http://cyberpingui.free.fr/realoldies.htm
Некоторые архивы .adf файлов для эмуляторов:
Try one of these big ADF archive websites:
http://www.back2roots.org (The legal source)
http://amiga.l33tz.com (http archive)
http://amigos.amiga.hu/ancientoys/ (http archive - Amiga Abandonware Game Site)
http://www.amiganostalgia.com (http archive)
http://www.amiga-island.de (http archive)
http://amiga.supergamez.hu (http archive)
http://www.emuasylum.com (http archive)
http://www.worldofclassics.co.uk (http archive)
http://www.planetemu.net (TOSEC pack)
http://www.total-emu.org (FTP)
http://powerlink.no/files/Amiga/ADF/ (30,000 more ADF files in the BBS!)
Культовая амижная игра : Alien Breed '92 - Special Edition http://www.flashtro.com/datas/users/76-image001.png
Скачать игру в формате .adf Size: 1mb http://www.flashtro.com/datas/users/76-ab92.zip
Size: 1.49 MB http://www.rom-world.com/file.php?id=8
Здесь видео из игры - Alien Breed Tower Assault Movies http://exotica.fix.no/misc/video/index.html
Настройка эмулятора WinUAE (полное описание) http://amitrans.narod.ru/content/Press/ … setup.html
Эмулятор Amiga 500/600 http://codemasters.narod.ru/alcom11154.htm
Amiga Emulators!
Amiga Emulator for the PS2 http://www.volny.cz/molej/ps2/uae.htm
UAE Amiga Emulator for PS2 http://ps2emu.dcemu.co.uk/uae4ps2.shtml
Amiga Emulator for the PS2 http://www.zophar.net/consoles/ps2.html
PSP-UAE - Amiga Emulator for the PSP http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspuae.shtml
PSP-UAE - UAE Amiga emulator for PSP http://www.kaillera.com/pspuae/
Теперь на плюшке можно запускать Амижные демы и гамезы!!! *happy.gif*
PSP Emulation / ROMs / Эмуляторы для PSP: http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk
PS2 Emulation / ROMs / Эмуляторы для PS2: http://ps2emu.dcemu.co.uk
PS3 Emulation / ROMs / Эмуляторы для PS3: http://ps3-evolution.dcemu.co.uk