Инструкция по включению эмуляции в Real Spectrum и подключению дисков тут:
https://web.archive.org/web/20170213142 … 80help.htm
1. Copy the ROM files into RealSpectrum directory, click here to download them (keep in mind that you have the Rom files legally only if you own a real Didaktik and a D80 drive or a Didaktik Kompakt <which I do ^_^ >)
2. Run RealSpectrum
3. Press F3, highlight DIDAKTIK KOMPAKT and press F3 again
4. You should have the cursor on the ROM. Press Enter and search for the D80.rom, press Enter to choose it
5. Now you should have the D80.rom in the ROM option
6. Press Enter again, now find the DIDAKTIK.rom, press Enter to choose it.
7. Ignore the ROM FILE IS TOO BIG message(s) and restart RealSpectrum (yes, you have to close the program and run it again)
8. After restarting RealSpectrum press F3 again and choose Didaktik Kompakt, reset the emulated Didaktik if needed (ALT+F2)
Now it should be working. If it still doesn't work, try the whole thing again, but before restarting RealSpectrum, try loading a D80 image, reseting the emulated Didaktik (ALT+F2) and then quitting RealSpectrum. if it still doesn't work, please contact me.
HOW TO PLAY D80 DISKS? (RealSpectrum)
1. After starting RealSpectrum press F3 for hardware menu
2. Choose Didaktik Kompakt
3. Now you should have the whole screen red (maybe depends on the didaktik ROM versions)
4. Press F6 for disk options
5. Choose disk1 or disk2 (if you choose to play the 2nd disk you're gonna have to use the MOVE "b:" command in BASIC
6. Choose the D80 you want
7. Press ALT+F2 to reset and continue like in normal BASIC (this probably means to type "RUN" and press "ENTER")