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Denied games

Game    -    Publisher    -    Year    -    Genre
10 Computer Hits 4    -    Beau-Jolly Ltd    -    1987    -    Compilation
10 Pack    -    Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd    -    1991    -    Compilation
10 Titles For The Spectrum Plus    -    Boots    -        -    Compilation
1942    -    Elite Systems Ltd    -    1986    -    Arcade
1942 (Encore)    -    Encore    -    1989    -    Arcade
1943    -    Go!    -    1988    -    Arcade
1943    -    Go!    -    1988    -    Arcade
1943 (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1990    -    Arcade
20-20 Vision    -    Gadtek Games    -    1986    -    Arcade
4 Crash Smashes    -    Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd    -    1986    -    Compilation
4 Soccer Simulators    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Compilation
4 Soccer Simulators    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Compilation
4 Soccer Simulators Master Disk    -    Zeppelin Games Ltd    -    1989    -    Simulation
6-Pak Vol 1    -    Hit-Pak    -    1987    -    Compilation
6-Pak Vol 3    -    Elite Systems Ltd    -    1988    -    Compilation
750cc Grand Prix    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
ACE (Issue 10)    -    Advanced Computer Entertainment    -    1988    -    Arcade
ACE (Issue 17)    -    Advanced Computer Entertainment    -    1989    -    Arcade
Advanced Pinball Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1988    -    Arcade
Afterburner    -    Activision Inc    -    1988    -    Arcade
Afterburner - 128k    -    Activision Inc    -    1988    -    Arcade
Afterburner - 48k    -    Activision Inc    -    1988    -    Arcade
Afterburner (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1991    -    Arcade
Albatrossity (Cronosoft)    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2008    -    Puzzle
Alien 8    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1985    -    Arcade
Alien 8 - Alternate    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1985    -    Arcade Adventure
Alien 8 (Ricochet)    -    Ricochet    -    1985    -    Arcade
Aliens    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1987    -    Arcade
Aliens (Ricochet)    -    Ricochet    -    1987    -    Arcade
Aliens US    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1987    -    Arcade
Aliens US (Alternative)    -    Alternative Software Ltd    -    1990    -    Arcade
Altered Beast    -    Activision Inc    -    1989    -    Arcade
Altered Beast (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1991    -    Arcade
Aqua Squad    -    Atlantis Software Ltd    -    1988    -    Arcade
Arcade Collection Volume 1    -    Players Software    -    1990    -    Compilation
Arcade Flight Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Arcade Hits - 2 In 1    -    Elite Systems Ltd    -        -    Compilation
Arcade Muscle    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Compilation
Arcade Muscle    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Compilation
Arcade Muscle    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Compilation
Arcade Muscle    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Compilation
The Arc Of Yesod - 128k    -    Thor Computer Software    -    1986    -    Platform
The Arc Of Yesod - 48k    -    Thor Computer Software    -    1985    -    Platform
Atic Atac    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1983    -    Arcade Adventure
ATV Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade
Back To The Future    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1985    -    Arcade Adventure
Back To The Future (Firebird)    -    Firebird Software Ltd    -    1985    -    Arcade Adventure
Ballblazer - 128k    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Simulation
Ballblazer - 48k    -    Activision Inc    -    1986    -    Simulation
Ballblazer (Ricochet)    -    Ricochet    -    1986    -    Simulation
Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing - 128k    -    Gamestar    -    1985    -    Sports
Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing - 48k    -    Gamestar    -    1985    -    Sports
Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing (Mastertronic)    -    Mastertronic Plus    -    1985    -    Sports
Batteries Not Precluded (Cronosoft)    -    Cronosoft    -    2009    -    Arcade
Beamrider    -    Activision Inc    -    1984    -    Arcade
Best Of Elite Vol.1    -    Hit-Pak    -    1987    -    Compilation
Best Of Elite Vol.2    -    Hit-Pak    -    1987    -    Compilation
Bigfoot    -    Code Masters    -    1988    -    Arcade
Bignose's American Adventure    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Arcade
Big Trouble In Little China    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1987    -    Arcade
Big Trouble In Little China (Alternative)    -    Alternative Software Ltd    -    1990    -    Arcade
Bionic Commando    -    Go!    -    1988    -    Arcade
Bionic Commando    -    Go!    -    1988    -    Arcade
Bionic Commando (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1988    -    Arcade
Bipboi    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2009    -    Arcade
Black Tiger    -    Go!    -    1989    -    Arcade
Black Tiger    -    Go!    -    1989    -    Arcade
Blade Warrior    -    Code Masters    -    1988    -    Arcade
Blizzard's Rift (Cronosoft)    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2007    -    Arcade
BMX Freestyle    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
BMX Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade
BMX Simulator 2    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Boid    -    Gadtek Games    -    1992    -    Arcade
The Bounty Hunter (Code Masters)    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Adventure
Brainache    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade
Bubble Dizzy    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Bubbler    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1987    -    Arcade
Bumper Boogie Pack    -    Jonathan Cauldwell    -    1993    -    Compilation
Capcom Collection    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1991    -    Compilation
Captain Fizz    -    Psyclapse    -    1989    -    Arcade
Cartoon Collection    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Compilation
CD Loader Software    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Utility
Championship Baseball    -    Gamestar    -    1987    -    Sports
Championship Baseball (Alternative)    -    Alternative Software Ltd    -    1990    -    Sports
Championship Jet Ski Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Sports
Championship Sprint    -    Alternative Software Ltd    -    1990    -    Arcade
Championship Sprint    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1988    -    Sports
Chart Attack    -    Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd    -    1992    -    Compilation
Chart Attack    -    Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd    -    1992    -    Compilation
CJ In The USA    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
CJ's Elephant Antics    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Coin-Op Hits    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1990    -    Compilation
Coin-Op Hits    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1990    -    Compilation
Commando    -    Elite Systems Ltd    -    1985    -    Arcade
Commando (Encore)    -    Encore    -    1988    -    Arcade
Commando (Zafiro)    -    Zafiro Software    -    1985    -    Arcade
Cookie    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1983    -    Arcade
Cookie [Rom]    -    Sinclair Research Ltd    -    1983    -    Arcade
Cookie (Sinclair)    -    Sinclair Research Ltd    -    1983    -    Arcade
Cookie (Svenska Soft Service)    -    Svenska Soft Service    -    1983    -    Arcade
A Cracking Day Out - Starring Egghead    -    The National Museum Of Computing    -    2010    -    Platform
The Crash Collection Vol 1    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Compilation
Cronosoft Chronicles Volume 1    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2009    -    Compilation
Cronosoft Chronicles Volume 2    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2009    -    Compilation
Cronosoft Chronicles Volume 3    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2009    -    Compilation
Crosswize    -    Firebird Software Ltd    -    1988    -    Arcade
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Arcade
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy - Pre Production    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Demonstration
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy v1.1    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Arcade
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy v1.5    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Arcade
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy v1.5    -    Unpublished    -    1992    -    Arcade Adventure
Cyberun    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1986    -    Arcade
Cyberun (Erbe)    -    Erbe Software    -    1986    -    Arcade
Dandy    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1986    -    Arcade
Dandy (Winner)    -    Winner    -    1986    -    Arcade
Dead Or Alive    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2003    -    Arcade
Death Stalker    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Defender Light Gun    -    Cheetah Marketing Ltd    -    1989    -    Compilation
Demolition & Crazy Golf    -    Jonathan Cauldwell    -    1994    -    Compilation
Demons & Drivers    -    US Gold Ltd    -        -    Compilation
Demonslair    -    Gadtek Games    -    1987    -    Arcade Adventure
The Designer's Pencil    -    Activision Inc    -    1984    -    Utility
Dizzy    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade
Dizzy Collection    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Compilation
Dizzy Down The Rapids    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Dizzy's Excellent Adventures    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Compilation
Dj Puff    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Arcade
Down Town    -    Atlantis Software Ltd    -    1991    -    Arcade
Dragon Breed    -    Activision Inc    -    1990    -    Arcade
Dynamite Dux    -    Activision Inc    -    1989    -    Arcade
Dynasty Wars    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1990    -    Arcade
Dynasty Wars    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1990    -    Arcade
Egghead 5: Egghead Round The Med (Cronosoft)    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2007    -    Platform
Egghead In Space    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2003    -    Arcade
Egghead In Space    -    Jonathan Cauldwell    -    2003    -    Platform
Encyclopedia Galactica    -    Retro Fusion    -    2012    -    Arcade
Enduro    -    Activision Inc    -    1984    -    Arcade
Enduro (Firebird)    -    Firebird Software Ltd    -    1984    -    Arcade
Enduro Racer    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Arcade
Enduro Racer (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1989    -    Arcade
Explorer    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1986    -    Arcade
The Fantastic Mister Fruity    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2005    -    Arcade
Fantasy World Dizzy    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Farmer Jack In Harvest Havoc!    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2006    -    Arcade
Farmer Jack - Treasure Trove (Cronosoft)    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2008    -    Arcade
Farmer Jack Trilogy    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2009    -    Compilation
Fast Food    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Fighter Bomber    -    Activision Inc    -    1990    -    Simulation
Fighting Soccer    -    Activision Inc    -    1989    -    Arcade
Final Fight    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1991    -    Arcade
Final Fight    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1991    -    Arcade
Final Fight (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1991    -    Arcade
Firetrap    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1987    -    Arcade
First Division Manager    -    Code Masters    -        -    Simulation
Fishpaste Volume 1    -    FISH    -    1995    -    Compilation
Fishpaste Volume 2    -    FISH    -    1995    -    Compilation
Forgotten Worlds    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Arcade
Forgotten Worlds    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Arcade
Forgotten Worlds    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Arcade
Forgotten Worlds (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1989    -    Arcade
Frank Bruno's Big Box    -    Elite Systems Ltd    -    1989    -    Compilation
Frankenstein Jnr    -    Cartoon Time    -    1990    -    Arcade
Fruit Machine Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Simulation
Fruit Machine Simulator 2    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Simulation
Fun Park    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2004    -    Simulation
Galactic Games    -    Activision Inc    -    1988    -    Sports
Galaxy Force    -    Activision Inc    -    1989    -    Arcade
Game, Set And Match    -    Ocean Software Ltd    -    1987    -    Compilation
Game, Set And Match 2    -    Ocean Software Ltd    -    1989    -    Compilation
Gamex    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2006    -    Arcade
GBA Championship Basketball    -    Gamestar    -        -    Sports
GBA Championship Basketball (Winner)    -    Winner    -    1987    -    Sports
Gee-Bee Air Rally    -    Activision Inc    -    1988    -    Arcade
Gee-Bee Air Rally (Winner)    -    Winner    -    1988    -    Arcade
The General    -    CCS    -    1989    -    Strategy
Geography    -    Thor Computer Software    -    1984    -    Educational
GFL Championship Football    -    Gamestar    -        -    Sports
Ghostbusters    -    Activision Inc    -    1984    -    Arcade
Ghostbusters - 128k    -    Activision Inc    -    1986    -    Arcade
Ghostbusters II    -    Activision Inc    -    1989    -    Arcade
Ghostbusters II (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1991    -    Arcade
Ghostbusters (Ricochet)    -    Ricochet    -    1984    -    Arcade
Ghost Castle & Ghost Castle 2 SE    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2011    -    Compilation
Ghost Hunters    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade Adventure
Ghosts 'n Goblins    -    Elite Systems Ltd    -    1986    -    Arcade
Ghosts 'n Goblins (Encore)    -    Encore    -    1989    -    Arcade
Ghouls n Ghosts    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Platform
Ghouls n Ghosts    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Arcade
Ghouls n Ghosts    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Platform
Ghouls n Ghosts (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1989    -    Arcade
Giant's Revenge    -    Thor Computer Software    -    1984    -    Arcade Adventure
Gloop    -    Jonathan Cauldwell    -    1994    -    Arcade
Gloop (Chronosoft)    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2003    -    Arcade
The Gold Collection II    -    US Gold Ltd    -        -    Compilation
The Gold Collection III    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1987    -    Compilation
3D Grand Prix    -    Zeppelin Games Ltd    -    1991    -    Arcade
Grand Prix II    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Grand Prix Selection    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1989    -    Compilation
Grand Prix Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade
Granny's Garden    -    4Mation Educational Resources    -    1983    -    Educational
Granny's Garden    -    4Mation Educational Resources    -    1983    -    Educational
Gremlins    -    Thor Computer Software    -    1984    -    Arcade
Guadalcanal    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Strategy
Guardian Angel    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Arcade
Gunfright    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1985    -    Arcade
Gunpowder, Treason & Plot    -    Redwood Designs    -    1988    -    Arcade
Gunsmoke    -    Go!    -    1987    -    Arcade
Hacker    -    Activision Inc    -    1985    -    Arcade Adventure
Hacker - 128k    -    Activision Inc    -    1985    -    Arcade Adventure
Hacker 2    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Arcade Adventure
Hacker 2 (Mastertronic)    -    Mastertronic Ltd    -    1987    -    Arcade Adventure
Hacker (Ricochet)    -    Ricochet    -    1985    -    Arcade Adventure
Hacking Software    -    Jon North    -    1990    -    Utility
Hacking Software Backup    -    Jon North    -    1990    -    Utility
Hawk Storm    -    Players Premier    -    1991    -    Arcade
Heartland    -    Odin Computer Graphics Ltd    -    1986    -    Arcade Adventure
Hero    -    Activision Inc    -    1984    -    Arcade
Higgledy Piggledy    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2005    -    Arcade
High Frontier    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Simulation
Hijack    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1986    -    Arcade
Hijack (Summit)    -    Summit Software [1]    -    1986    -    Arcade
Hit Pak 4 In 1    -    Hit-Pak    -        -    Compilation
The Hit Squad    -    Code Masters    -    1988    -    Arcade Adventure
Homebrew (Cronosoft)    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2009    -    Arcade
Hot Rod    -    Activision Inc    -    1990    -    Arcade
The House Jack Built    -    Thor Computer Software    -    1984    -    Arcade Adventure
Howard The Duck    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Arcade
Howard The Duck (Alternative)    -    Alternative Software Ltd    -    1990    -    Arcade
Howard The Duck (Hello! Games)    -    Hello! Games    -    1987    -    Arcade
Hunter    -    Scope Designs    -    1991    -    Arcade
Hypaball    -    Odin Computer Graphics Ltd    -    1986    -    Arcade
ICUPS    -    Thor Computer Software    -    1986    -    Arcade
Incredible Shrinking Sphere    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1989    -    Arcade
Interalia    -    Atlantis Software Ltd    -    1990    -    Arcade
International Rugby Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1988    -    Sports
International Rugby Simulator (Erbe)    -    Erbe Software    -    1988    -    Sports
I Of The Mask    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1985    -    Arcade
I Of The Mask (Silverbird)    -    Silverbird Software Ltd    -    1985    -    Arcade
Iron Sphere    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2006    -    Arcade
Italian Supercar    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Arcade
Izzy Wizzy    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2007    -    Arcade
Jack And The Beanstalk    -    Thor Computer Software    -    1984    -    Arcade
Jet Bike Simulator    -    Code Masters Plus    -    1988    -    Arcade
Jetpac    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1983    -    Arcade
Jetpac (Ricochet)    -    Ricochet    -    1983    -    Arcade
Jetpac [Rom]    -    Sinclair Research Ltd    -    1983    -    Arcade
Jetpac (Sinclair)    -    Sinclair Research Ltd    -    1983    -    Arcade
Jungle Jie    -    Gadtek Games    -    1985    -    Arcade
Kamikaze    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Karnov    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1988    -    Arcade
Karnov (Activision)    -    Activision Inc    -    1988    -    Arcade
KGB Super Spy    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
KGB Super Spy (Erbe)    -    Erbe Software    -    1989    -    Arcade
Kids Play    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Compilation
Knight Lore    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1984    -    Arcade Adventure
Knight Lore (Ricochet)    -    Ricochet    -    1984    -    Arcade Adventure
Knightmare    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Arcade Adventure
Knightmare (Ricochet)    -    Ricochet    -    1987    -    Arcade Adventure
Koronis Rift    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Arcade
Kwah!    -    Melbourne House    -    1986    -    Adventure
Kwik Snax    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Arcade
Last Duel (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1989    -    Arcade
Last Vampire    -    Atlantis Software Ltd    -    1990    -    Arcade
LED Storm    -    Go!    -    1988    -    Arcade
LED Storm    -    Go!    -    1988    -    Arcade
LED Storm (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1988    -    Arcade
Lemmings    -    Psygnosis Ltd    -    1991    -    Arcade
Little Computer People    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Arcade Adventure
Little Puff In Dragon Land    -    Cartoon Time    -    1990    -    Arcade
Loco Bingo    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2005    -    Puzzle
Lop Ears    -    Players Software    -    1991    -    Arcade Adventure
LumASCII    -    Bob Smith    -    2012    -    Arcade
Lunar Jetman    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1983    -    Arcade
Magicland Dizzy    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Martianoids    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1987    -    Arcade
Mega-Hot    -    Code Masters    -        -    Compilation
Mega Mix - Alternate    -    Ocean Software Ltd    -    1989    -    Compilation
Mega Plex    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2006    -    Arcade
Mercs    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1991    -    Arcade
Mercs    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1991    -    Arcade
Mercs (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1991    -    Arcade
Mermaid Madness    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1986    -    Arcade
Miami Chase    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Mind Fighter    -    Abstract Concepts    -    1988    -    Adventure
Mind Shadow    -    Activision Inc    -    1985    -    Adventure
Mission Jupiter    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade
Mole On The Dole    -    Gadtek Games    -        -    Arcade
Monte Carlo Casino    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Simulation
Moontorc    -    Atlantis Software Ltd    -    1991    -    Arcade Adventure
More Tea Vicar - 48k    -    Cronosoft    -    2012    -    Arcade
Moto Cross Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Mountain Bike Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Sports
Multimixx 3    -    Kixx    -    1991    -    Compilation
Murray Mouse Super Cop    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Arcade Adventure
The Mystery Of Arkham Manor    -    Melbourne House    -    1987    -    Arcade Adventure
The Mystery Of Arkham Manor - Alternate    -    Melbourne House    -    1987    -    Arcade Adventure
Nightshade    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1985    -    Arcade
Nightshade (Ricochet)    -    Ricochet    -    1985    -    Arcade
Ninja Massacre    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Ninja Spirit    -    Activision Inc    -    1990    -    Arcade
Nodes Of Yesod - 128k    -    Odin Computer Graphics Ltd    -    1986    -    Arcade
Nodes Of Yesod - 48k    -    Odin Computer Graphics Ltd    -    1986    -    Arcade
Obliterator    -    Melbourne House    -    1989    -    Arcade Adventure
Obliterator    -    Melbourne House    -    1989    -    Arcade
Obliterator    -    Melbourne House    -    1989    -    Arcade Adventure
Off The Hook    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1986    -    Compilation
Olli & Lissa 3: The Candlelight Adventure    -    Cartoon Time    -    1989    -    Arcade
Operation Gunship    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Arcade
Operation Gunship (Erbe)    -    Erbe Software    -    1989    -    Arcade
Pacman v1.0    -    Simon Owen    -    2011    -    Arcade
Pacman v1.1    -    Simon Owen    -    2011    -    Arcade
Pacman v1.2    -    Simon Owen    -    2011    -    Arcade
Pacman v1.2 - Mono    -    Simon Owen    -    2011    -    Arcade
Panic Dizzy    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Paris To Dakar    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Pendragon    -    Gadtek Games    -    1984    -    Arcade
Pentagram    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1986    -    Arcade
Pentagram - Review Copy    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1986    -    Arcade
Phantomas    -    Code Masters    -    1986    -    Arcade
Pitfall II    -    Activision Inc    -    1984    -    Arcade
Pitfall II (Firebird)    -    Firebird Software Ltd    -    1986    -    Platform
Pizza Bar    -    Redwood Designs    -    1993    -    Arcade
Platform Game Designer    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2005    -    Utility
Platinum    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1991    -    Compilation
Platinum    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1991    -    Compilation
Pokerama Main Code    -    Jon North    -    1990    -    Utility
Pokerama Tape 1    -    Jon North    -    1990    -    Utility
Pokerama Tape 2    -    Jon North    -    1990    -    Utility
Power Drift    -    Activision Inc    -    1989    -    Arcade
Power Drift (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1991    -    Arcade
Predator    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Arcade
Predator (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1990    -    Arcade
The Prestige Collection    -    Activision Inc    -        -    Compilation
Prince Clumsy    -    Cartoon Time    -    1990    -    Arcade
Prince Of The Yolk Folk    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Pro Boxing Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Arcade
Prodigy    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1986    -    Arcade
Professional BMX Simulator    -    Code Masters Plus    -    1988    -    Arcade
Professional Footballer (Code Masters Plus)    -    Code Masters Plus    -    1988    -    Sports
Pro Golf Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Sports
Pro Power Boat Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Pro Skateboard Simulator - Extended Mix    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Arcade
Pro Ski Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade
Pro Snooker Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Sports
Pro Tennis Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Sports
Pssst    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1983    -    Arcade
Pssst [Rom]    -    Sinclair Research Ltd    -    1983    -    Arcade
Pssst (Sinclair)    -    Sinclair Research Ltd    -    1983    -    Arcade
Pub Trivia    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Board Game
Quantum Gardening    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2007    -    Arcade
Quartet    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Arcade
Quartet (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1990    -    Arcade
Quattro Adventure    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Compilation
Quattro Arcade    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Compilation
Quattro Cartoon    -    Code Masters    -        -    Compilation
Quattro Coinops    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Compilation
Quattro Combat    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Compilation
Quattro Fantastic    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Compilation
Quattro Fighters    -    Code Masters    -        -    Compilation
Quattro Firepower    -    Code Masters    -        -    Compilation
Quattro Megastars    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Compilation
Quattro Power    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Compilation
Quattro Racers    -    Code Masters    -        -    Compilation
Quattro Skills    -    Code Masters    -        -    Compilation
Quattro Skills    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Compilation
Quattro Sports    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Compilation
Quattro Super Hits    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Compilation
Quest For Witchcraft    -    Scene+    -    2011    -    Puzzle
Race Against Time    -    Code Masters Plus    -    1988    -    Arcade Adventure
Rakattak    -    Gadtek Games    -    1987    -    Arcade
Rallybug (Cronosoft)    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2009    -    Arcade
Rally Cross Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Arcade
Rampage    -    Activision Inc    -    1988    -    Arcade
Rampage (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1989    -    Arcade
The Real Ghostbusters    -    Activision Inc    -    1989    -    Arcade
The Real Ghostbusters (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1991    -    Arcade
Red Hawk    -    Melbourne House    -    1986    -    Arcade Adventure
Rescue On Fractalus    -    Activision Inc    -    1986    -    Arcade
Rescue On Fractalus (Mastertronic)    -    Mastertronic Plus    -    1986    -    Arcade
Riddlers Den    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1985    -    Arcade Adventure
Riddlers Den (Silverbird)    -    Silverbird Software Ltd    -    1985    -    Arcade Adventure
River Raid    -    Activision Inc    -    1984    -    Arcade
River Raid (Firebird)    -    Firebird Software Ltd    -    1984    -    Arcade
Robin Hood Legend Quest    -    Code Masters    -    1993    -    Arcade Adventure
Robin Of The Wood - 128k    -    Odin Computer Graphics Ltd    -    1985    -    Arcade
Robin Of The Wood - 48k    -    Odin Computer Graphics Ltd    -    1985    -    Arcade
Robin The Outlaw    -    Gadtek Games    -        -    Arcade Adventure
Rock Star Ate My Hamster    -    Code Masters Gold    -    1989    -    Strategy
Rock Star Ate My Hamster    -    Code Masters Ltd    -    1990    -    Simulation
Rockstar Ate My Hamster    -    Code Masters Gold    -    1989    -    Strategy
Rock Star Ate My Hamster {Portuguese}    -    Code Masters Gold    -    1989    -    Simulation
Rough Justice    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2003    -    Arcade
R-Type    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1988    -    Arcade
R-Type (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1990    -    Arcade
Sabre Wulf - Version 1    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1984    -    Arcade
Sabre Wulf - Version 2    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1984    -    Arcade
SAS Combat Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
SDI: Strategic Defence Initiative    -    Activision Inc    -    1988    -    Arcade
SDI: Strategic Defence Initiative (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1991    -    Arcade
Sergeant Seymour Robotcop    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Arcade
Seymour Goes To Hollywood    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Seymour - Take One!    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Shadow Of The Beast    -    Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd    -    1990    -    Platform
Shark    -    Players Premier    -    1989    -    Arcade
Shoot-Em-Up-Designer    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2008    -    Utility
Side Arms    -    Go!    -    1988    -    Arcade
Side Arms (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1988    -    Arcade
Sidewize    -    Firebird Software Ltd    -    1987    -    Arcade
Skeleton    -    Jon North    -    1990    -    Utility
Skool Daze Too v0.11    -    Jimmy    -    2010    -    Platform
Sky High Stuntman    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Slightly Magic    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade Adventure
Slubberdegullion    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2009    -    Arcade
Smash 16    -    Code Masters    -    1993    -    Compilation
Sonic Boom    -    Activision Inc    -    1990    -    Arcade
Soviet Fighter MiG 29    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Soviet Fighter MiG 29 (Erbe)    -    Erbe Software    -    1989    -    Arcade
Space Shuttle (Activision)    -    Activision Inc    -    1984    -    Arcade
Space Shuttle (Activision)    -    Firebird Software Ltd    -    1984    -    Simulation
Space X    -    4Mation Educational Resources    -    1984    -    Educational
Spectrum CP/M    -    Locomotive Software    -    1988    -    Utility
Spectrum CP/M Plus & Mallard BASIC    -    Locomotive Software    -    1988    -    Utility
Spectrum Stingers    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1987    -    Compilation
Spellbound Dizzy    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Spiders Web    -    Thor Computer Software    -    1984    -    Arcade
Spike In Transylvania    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade Adventure
Spindizzy    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1986    -    Arcade
The Sports Pack    -    Gamestar    -    1987    -    Compilation
3D Starfighter    -    Code Masters    -    1988    -    Arcade
Star Raiders 2    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1987    -    Arcade
Star Runner    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade
Steg The Slug    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Arcade
3D Stock Car Championship    -    Firebird Software Ltd    -    1988    -    Arcade
3D Stock Cars 2    -    Challenge Software    -    1992    -    Arcade
Stranded    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2005    -    Arcade
Street Cred    -    Redwood Designs    -    1988    -    Arcade
Street Fighter 2    -    Go!    -    1993    -    Arcade
Street Fighter (Erbe)    -    Erbe Software    -    1988    -    Arcade
Street Fighter (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1988    -    Arcade
Street Gang Football    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Strider    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Arcade
Strider    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Arcade
Strider 2    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1990    -    Arcade
Strider 2 (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1990    -    Arcade
Strider (Erbe)    -    Erbe Software    -    1989    -    Arcade
Strider (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1989    -    Platform
Stronghold    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2007    -    Arcade
Stryker - In The Crypts Of Trogan    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Arcade
Sudoku    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2008    -    Puzzle
Super All-Stars Collection    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Compilation
Super All-Stars Collection    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Compilation
Super Bike Trans' Am    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Super Dragon Slayer    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade Adventure
Super G-Man    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade
Super Hang-On    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1987    -    Arcade
Super Hang-On (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1990    -    Arcade
Super Hero    -    Code Masters    -    1988    -    Arcade Adventure
Super Heroes    -    Domark Ltd    -    1992    -    Compilation
Superkid    -    Atlantis Software Ltd    -    1989    -    Arcade
Superkid In Space    -    Atlantis Software Ltd    -    1990    -    Arcade
Super League (Players Premier)    -    Players Premier    -    1989    -    Simulation
Super Robin Hood    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade Adventure
Super Seymour Saves The Planet    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Super Sprint    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1987    -    Arcade
Super Sprint (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1990    -    Arcade
Super Star Seymour    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Compilation
Super Stunt Man    -    Code Masters    -    1988    -    Arcade
Super Tank Simulator    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Super Wonderboy In Monsterland    -    Activision Inc    -    1989    -    Platform
Tarzan Goes Ape    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Tempest    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1987    -    Arcade
Tempest (Ricochet)    -    Ricochet    -    1987    -    Arcade
Terra Cognita    -    Code Masters    -    1986    -    Arcade
Thrill Time Gold 1    -    Elite Systems Ltd    -    1990    -    Compilation
Thrill Time Gold 3    -    Elite Systems Ltd    -    1990    -    Compilation
Thrill Time Gold 3 - Alternate    -    Elite Systems Ltd    -    1990    -    Compilation
Tiger Road    -    Go!    -    1988    -    Arcade
Tiger Road - 128k    -    Go!    -    1988    -    Arcade
Tiger Road - 48k    -    Go!    -    1988    -    Arcade
Tiger Road (Kixx)    -    Kixx    -    1988    -    Arcade Adventure
Tilt    -    Code Masters    -    1990    -    Puzzle
Time Scanner    -    Activision Inc    -    1989    -    Arcade
Tornado ECR    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Arcade
Toy Bizarre    -    Activision Inc    -    1985    -    Arcade
Toy Bizarre (Ricochet)    -    Ricochet    -    1985    -    Arcade
Trans Am    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1983    -    Arcade
Trans Am [Rom]    -    Sinclair Research Ltd    -    1983    -    Arcade
Trans Am (Sinclair)    -    Sinclair Research Ltd    -    1983    -    Arcade
Transmuter    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade
Treasure Island Dizzy    -    Code Masters    -    1988    -    Arcade
Turbo The Tortoise    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Arcade
Twin Turbo V8    -    Code Masters    -    1989    -    Arcade
Ultimate - The Collected Works    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1988    -    Compilation
Unbelievable Ultimate!    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1987    -    Compilation
Unbelievable Ultimate Vol 1    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1987    -    Compilation
Underwurlde    -    Ultimate Play The Game    -    1984    -    Platform
UN Squadron    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1990    -    Arcade
Utter Tripe (Cronosoft)    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2011    -    Arcade
Vampire    -    Code Masters    -    1986    -    Arcade
Vigilante    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1989    -    Arcade
Wacky Darts    -    Code Masters    -    1991    -    Sports
We Are The Champions    -    Ocean Software Ltd    -    1988    -    Compilation
We Are The Champions    -    Ocean Software Ltd    -    1988    -    Compilation
White Heat    -    Code Masters    -    1987    -    Arcade
Wild West Seymour    -    Code Masters    -    1992    -    Arcade
Winners    -    US Gold Ltd    -    1990    -    Compilation
Winter Sports    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1985    -    Sports
Winter Sports (Firebird)    -    Firebird Software Ltd    -    1985    -    Sports
Wizard Willy    -    Cartoon Time    -    1990    -    Arcade
Wonder Boy    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Arcade
Wonder Boy - Bugfix    -    Activision Inc    -    1987    -    Arcade
Wonder Boy (The Hit Squad)    -    The Hit Squad    -    1990    -    Arcade
Wonder Boy (The Hit Squad) - Bugfix    -    The Hit Squad    -    1990    -    Arcade
World Cup Challenge    -    Players Premier    -    1990    -    Simulation
Wrestling Superstars    -    Code Masters    -    1993    -    Sports
Xarq    -    Electric Dreams Software    -    1986    -    Arcade
Xcel    -    Activision Inc    -    1985    -    Arcade
Xcel (Mastertronic)    -    Mastertronic Ltd    -    1985    -    Arcade
Zblast SD+    -    Cronosoft [2]    -    2003    -    Compilation
Zenji    -    Activision Inc    -    1984    -    Arcade
Zip Compiler V1.3    -    Simon N. Goodwin    -    1984    -    Utility

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Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2020, 21:56
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Сообщение alko »

Этой ещё нет в открытом доступе? ... al-version
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Зарегистрирован: 17 апр 2018, 23:45

Сообщение krt17 »

Кто то выложил и эту и ДС. Спасибо доброму человеку.
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Сообщение shiny »

где книга то? не наблюваю
Ненависть- это подарок
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Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2020, 21:56
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Сообщение alko »

Так ну а всё-таки. Почему тред не обновляется.
Говорят, что на вирте где-то в архивах есть Neadeital, но без прямой ссылки.
Алсо, Devwill Too, быть может, тоже имеется?
Не сказать, что мне аж до усрачки нужны эти шняги. Но для общей кал-лекции лишними не будут.
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Зарегистрирован: 17 апр 2018, 23:45

Сообщение krt17 »

все есть все там же
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Зарегистрирован: 17 апр 2018, 23:45

Сообщение krt17 »

alko писал(а):Devwill Too
на агд мне денег жалко, я в это играть ни минуты не буду
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Сообщение alko »

krt17 писал(а):все  есть все там же
А, понял, спс.
А то я всё ААА-шный архив смотрел.
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Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2016, 00:00
Откуда: пос. Полярный, ЯНАО
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Сообщение Лас »

alko 87022 писал(а):
krt17 писал(а):все  есть все там же
А, понял, спс.
А то я всё ААА-шный архив смотрел.
Пишите, что добавить - добавим.
Ностальгирующий рукожоп
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Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2020, 21:56
Откуда: Russian Federation

Сообщение alko »

Вроде норм.
Халявной тапки не видать?
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Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2020, 21:56
Откуда: Russian Federation

Сообщение alko »

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Зарегистрирован: 17 апр 2018, 23:45

Сообщение krt17 »

Второе и так нахаляву, а первое ещё подумаю, мож кто быстрее придумает. Надо видео хотя бы посмотреть а то не понятно.
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Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2020, 21:56
Откуда: Russian Federation

Сообщение alko »

krt17 писал(а):Второе и так нахаляву
Там же халявное только демо-версия? не?
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Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2020, 21:56
Откуда: Russian Federation

Сообщение alko »

krt17 писал(а):. Надо видео хотя бы посмотреть а то не понятно.
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Сообщение Лас »

alko 87241 писал(а):Вроде норм.
Халявной тапки не видать?
Может, уже неактуально, но...
Ностальгирующий рукожоп
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Зарегистрирован: 30 ноя 2019, 23:18
Откуда: Киров
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Сообщение BIL/ImageCrew »

alko 87685 писал(а):
krt17 писал(а):Второе и так нахаляву
Там же халявное только демо-версия? не?
Там при покупке полной версии можно выбрать покупку за 0 р.
Последний раз редактировалось BIL/ImageCrew 07 янв 2022, 18:33, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Откуда: пос. Полярный, ЯНАО
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Сообщение Лас »

BIL/ImageCrew 87688 писал(а): Там при покупке полной версии можно выбрать покупку за 0 р.
Спасибо, так и сделал.
Ностальгирующий рукожоп
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Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2016, 00:00
Откуда: пос. Полярный, ЯНАО
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Сообщение Лас »

Что касается этих PETCII ROBOTS, сайт у восьмибитного парня на вордпрессе, поэтому качайте дистрибутивный пак :)

Код: Выделить всё
Ну, и тут копия, на тот случай, если ссылку прикроет 8bitguy:
Ностальгирующий рукожоп
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Зарегистрирован: 17 апр 2018, 23:45

Сообщение krt17 »

Яй ты злодей Ласик, красава.
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Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2018, 10:19

Сообщение abelenki »

Последний раз редактировалось abelenki 16 фев 2022, 10:30, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
--евгений сукаблин
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Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2016, 00:00
Откуда: пос. Полярный, ЯНАО
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Сообщение Лас »

abelenki 87711 писал(а):А есть у кого?
Она не для спектрума. Нахой.
Ностальгирующий рукожоп
Сообщения: 68
Зарегистрирован: 02 фев 2022, 10:15

Сообщение lenin1st »

уважаю что вы пиратствуете, дело правое. я за цифровой коммунизм.

что касается новодела, лично моё мнение, это потешно когда челики делают свои высерки для 8битного говна и требуют за это деньги. вы как-бы окститесь, это игроки вам одолжение делают, запуская это на этом, а не наоборот.
Сообщения: 68
Зарегистрирован: 02 фев 2022, 10:15

Сообщение lenin1st »

но я сегодня(всегда) думал про это, ведь тоже самое и с фильмами. если бы сейчас перестали снимать фильмы вообще - да боже мой, только лучше стало бы. я книгу из мусорки достал, горького, там мыслей больше чем во всех фильмах за год.

не знаю насколько я уместно тут высказался своими умными суждениями.
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Зарегистрирован: 17 апр 2018, 23:45

Сообщение krt17 »

нет черного и белого, но покапитанить это нормальная пердунская черта
Сообщения: 68
Зарегистрирован: 02 фев 2022, 10:15

Сообщение lenin1st »

конечно это не категорично всё, это округление или приближение (если я буду продавать свою игру, то это какраз поместится в эту погрешность. это другое)
Последний раз редактировалось lenin1st 18 фев 2022, 19:18, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Зарегистрирован: 22 дек 2016, 00:00
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Сообщение shiny »

стесняюсь спросить - когда эта гама появится?
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Зарегистрирован: 17 апр 2018, 23:45


Сообщение krt17 »
Не стесняйся, качай
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Зарегистрирован: 22 дек 2016, 00:00
Откуда: в Шуе бал


Сообщение shiny »

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Зарегистрирован: 22 дек 2016, 00:00
Откуда: в Шуе бал


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